
我要在袮的律例中自樂。我不忘記袮的話。(詩篇 119:16)

Monday, April 1, 2024


La meglio gioventù (2003) 

The Best of Youth(燦爛人生)






這首歌可能是這個New Age樂團最好的作品。人心奥秘,窮究一生。



Thoroughly still

Wait for the breath

The slow inhalation

Brings light

to the curious expansion

within your chest

The signal rings true

Its clear as a bell

The field of the heart is the strongest force we’ve ever come across

Discovered by night

As she danced away

into the moonlight

the sunlight

began to break the day

The morning arrives

begin again

open your eyes, realize,

the dream never ceases

it weaves on and on

then it breaks free

a wavering sigh

A simple reminder

that we are just here

for a moment

and then we fly

Surely with that

perspective could shift

the sequence gets set into motion

the moment you see it for what it is

and how best to serve

this changing earth

awakening here in this moment

the beckoning call

of our wild rebirth

The morning arrives

begin again

open your eyes realize

the dream never ceases

it weaves on and on

then it breaks free

a wavering sigh

A simple reminder

that we are just here

for a moment

and then we fly

The morning arrives

begin again

open your eyes realize

the dream never ceases

it weaves on and on

then it breaks free

a wavering sigh

A simple reminder

that we are just here

for a moment

and then we fly