
我要在袮的律例中自樂。我不忘記袮的話。(詩篇 119:16)

Saturday, April 27, 2024

《Philokalia-慕善集》讀譯進度表 4/29


讀譯進度:  卷二,4/29, p.32


Introduction to the Philokalia Volumn I 《慕善集》卷一 引言

St Isaiah the Solitary 孤獨者聖以賽亞)

 1. On Guarding the Intellect Twenty-Seven Texts 論守護智性 

Evagrios the Solitary 孤獨者 伊瓦格里奥斯)

2.  Outline Teaching on Asceticism and Stillness in the Solitary Life 獨居生活中苦修與静止教導概論

3.  Texts on Discrimination in respect of Passions and Thoughts  關於激情和思想的區别 

 . Extracts from the Texts on Watchfulness  論儆醒文本摘錄

5.  On Prayer : Prologue and One Hundred and Fifty-Three Texts  論祈禱  

(St John Cassian 聖約翰 ·卡西安)

6. On the Eight Vices  論八宗罪 

7. On the Holy Fathers of Sketis and on Discrimination Written for Abba Leontios 


(St Mark the Ascetic 苦行者聖馬可)

8 . On the Spiritual Law Two Hundred Texts  論屬靈律法 

9.  On Those who Think that They are Made Righteous by Works 論自認以行為稱義者

10.  Letter to Nicolas the Solitary 給孤獨者尼可拉斯的信 

(St Hesychios the Priest 祭司 聖赫西丘斯)

11. On Watchfulness and Holiness 論儆醒與聖潔

(St Neilos The Ascetic 苦行者聖尼洛斯)

12.  Ascetic Discourse  苦行論

(St Diadochos of Photiki 弗提基之聖迪亞多喬斯)

13. On Spiritual Knowledge and Discrimination One Hundred Texts 論屬靈知識與辨别

St John of Karpathos卡爾帕索斯之聖約翰)

14.For the Encouragement of the Monks in India who had Written to Him 鼓勵寫信給他的印度修道士

15. Ascetic Discourse Sent at the Request of the Same Monks in India

 A Supplement to the One Hundred Texts 應印度修道士之要求而發的苦行論 (增補)

( St Antony the Great)

16. On the Character of Men and on the Virtuous Life


