
我要在袮的律例中自樂。我不忘記袮的話。(詩篇 119:16)

Saturday, April 20, 2024


 舊金山動物園恐無財力 接受中國大熊貓

(舊金山即時報導 2024-04-19 20:43 ET)




(22:12-14 是一組平行句)

懶 惰 人 說 、 外 頭 有 獅 子 、 我 在 街 上 、 就 必 被 殺 。

   The hater of work says, There is a lion outside: I will be put to death in the streets.

淫 婦 的 口 為 深 坑 、 耶 和 華 所 憎 惡 的 、 必 陷 在 其 中 。

 The mouth of strange women is a deep hole: he with whom the Lord is angry will go down into it.

箴言 22;13-14


         1. 本節是反映作者卓越文學才華的經文之一。在舊約時代,巴勒斯坦地區有很多獅子,禍害當地的男女老少(4919)。但獅子很少出現在城中,因怕獅子而不出去幹活,實在是啼笑皆非的藉口。懶人的特點是,既好吃懶作,又要為自己狡辯。 ──《聖經精讀本》

2. 耶和華所憎惡的,就是與淫婦有染的人。──《串珠聖經註釋》







Friday, April 19, 2024


  耶 和 華 的 眼 目 、 眷 顧 聰 明 人 . 卻 傾 敗 奸 詐 人 的 言 語 。
    [kjv] The eyes of the LORD preserve knowledge, and he overthroweth the words of the transgressor.
    [bbe] The eyes of the Lord keep knowledge, but by him the acts of the false man will be overturned.

箴言 22:12


         2. 「眷顧聰明人」:原文僅僅是「保護知識」、「保存知識」。這個「知識」與後面的「奸詐人的言語」對應。── 《箴言研經資料》


Thursday, April 18, 2024


喜 愛 清 心 的 人 、 因 他 嘴 上 的 恩 言 、 王 必 與 他 為 友 。

[kjv] He that loveth pureness of heart, for the grace of his lips the king shall be his friend.

[bbe] He whose heart is clean is dear to the Lord; for the grace of his lips the king will be his friend.

箴言 22:11


1. 心裡清潔,行為自然正直,說話柔和而有智慧,自然吸引人,連王都樂與為友。──《啟導本箴言註釋》

2. 喜愛清心,並且嘴上有恩言的人,王必與他為友。──《箴言雷氏研讀本》

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

2024/4/17 微服出巡












趕 出 褻 慢 人 、 爭 端 就 消 除 、 分 爭 和 羞 辱 、 也 必 止 息 。
   [kjv] Cast out the scorner, and contention shall go out; yea, strife and reproach shall cease.


箴言 22:10



Sunday, April 14, 2024



那年,在Cancún 。(西班牙語發音:[kaŋˈkũn])。聽了The Platters的現場,老幹新枝,表演風格一致,回味無窮。



Saturday, April 13, 2024



Introduction to the Philokalia Volumn I 《慕善集》卷一 引言

St Isaiah the Solitary 孤獨者聖以賽亞)

 1. On Guarding the Intellect Twenty-Seven Texts 論守護智性 

Evagrios the Solitary 孤獨者 伊瓦格里奥斯)

2.  Outline Teaching on Asceticism and Stillness in the Solitary Life 獨居生活中苦修與静止教導概論

3.  Texts on Discrimination in respect of Passions and Thoughts  關於激情和思想的區别 

 . Extracts from the Texts on Watchfulness  論儆醒文本摘錄

5.  On Prayer : Prologue and One Hundred and Fifty-Three Texts  論祈禱  

(St John Cassian 聖約翰 ·卡西安)

6. On the Eight Vices  論八宗罪 

7. On the Holy Fathers of Sketis and on Discrimination Written for Abba Leontios 


(St Mark the Ascetic 苦行者聖馬可)

8 . On the Spiritual Law Two Hundred Texts  論屬靈律法 

9.  On Those who Think that They are Made Righteous by Works 論自認以行為稱義者

10.  Letter to Nicolas the Solitary 給孤獨者尼可拉斯的信 

(St Hesychios the Priest 祭司 聖赫西丘斯)

11. On Watchfulness and Holiness 論儆醒與聖潔

(St Neilos The Ascetic 苦行者聖尼洛斯)

12.  Ascetic Discourse  苦行論

(St Diadochos of Photiki 弗提基之聖迪亞多喬斯)

13. On Spiritual Knowledge and Discrimination One Hundred Texts 論屬靈知識與辨别

St John of Karpathos卡爾帕索斯之聖約翰)

14.For the Encouragement of the Monks in India who had Written to Him 鼓勵寫信給他的印度修道士

15. Ascetic Discourse Sent at the Request of the Same Monks in India

 A Supplement to the One Hundred Texts 應印度修道士之要求而發的苦行論 (增補)

( St Antony the Great)

16. On the Character of Men and on the Virtuous Life



讀譯進度: 2024/4/19,p.351

Friday, April 12, 2024




Thursday, April 11, 2024


 敬 畏 耶 和 華 心 存 謙 卑 、 就 得 富 有 、 尊 榮 、 生 命 為 賞 賜 。
   [kjv] By humility and the fear of the LORD are riches, and honour, and life.
   [bbe] The reward of a gentle spirit and the fear of the Lord is wealth and honour and life.

箴言 22:4


利未記 26:3-4 你 們 若 遵 行 我 的 律 例 、 謹 守 我 的 誡 命 、

 我 就 給 你 們 降 下 時 雨 、 叫 地 生 出 土 產 、 田 野 的 樹 木 結 果 子 。

Wednesday, April 10, 2024


Tuesday, April 9, 2024


 (1.原信 2.英譯 3.分段中英對照)


 林覺民 (1987-1911)

Written by Lin Jue-Min


Tr. by ChinghueyTiao

 (2024/4/9譯注)This is a farewell letter written by Lin Jue-min (Yi-Dong) to his wife (Yi-Ying) three days before the Battle of Huanghuagang (黄花崗之役  3/ 29/1911). Yi-Dong died at the age of 24. The broken-hearted Yi-Ying succumbed to depression and died two years later.








 吾至愛汝,即此愛汝一念,使吾勇於就死也。吾自遇汝以來,常願天下有情人都成眷屬;然遍地腥雲,滿街狼犬,稱心快意,幾家能彀?司馬青衫,吾不能學太上之忘情也。語云:仁者 「老吾老,以及人之老;幼吾幼,以及人之幼」。吾充吾愛汝之心,助天下人愛其所愛,所以敢先汝而死,不顧汝也。汝體吾此心,於啼泣之余,亦以天下人為念,當亦樂犧牲吾身與 汝身之福利,為天下人謀永福也。汝其勿悲!











Yi-Ying, my dear, as seeing thee:

 Now I am bidding farewell to you with this letter! As I write this, I am still a human in the world, by the time you read this, I have become a ghost in the underworld. As tears and ink flow together, I can hardly finish writing this letter and wish to put the pen down, but I fear that my intentions won’t be perceived, you might say that I go to die without bearing you in mind, or I don’t know that you do not wish me to die, so I endure the pain to express it for you.

 I love you so much that the thought of loving you alone gives me the courage to make sacrifices. Since I met you, I have always wished that all lovers in the world could become married couples; but the bloody smells cloud the land, and streets are full of wolves and canines, how many families can live a contented and happy life? I feel extremely sorrowful, I am unable to emulate the dispassionate state of the sainthood. The saying has it that: the benevolent one " Respect my elders and extend that respect to others' elders; care for my children and extend that care to others' children." I use my love for you to help people in the world love whom they love. That's why I'm willing to die before you and care for you not. You should realize my mind, spare a thought for other people in the world when you are wailing and weeping, and gladly contribute my sacrifice and your well-being to them for their long-lasting welfare. Please grieve not!

 Do you remember? One evening, four or five years ago, I said to you: “I would rather die after you than die before you.” Initially, you were upset by my words, but I explained myself tactfully. Even though you disagreed with me, my words left you speechless. What I meant was that you are weak, and I don't think you could handle the grief of losing me; if I were to die first and leave you in torment, my heart cannot endure it, so I would rather request that you die before me, and let me be burdened with the sorrow. Alas! Who would have known that eventually, I would die before you?

  I truly cannot forget you! I reminisce about the house on the back street, entering the gatepassing corridorsgoing across the front and rear hallstaking another three or four turns, and there was a small hall, next to it the chamber wherein both you and I dwelled. We were newly married for three or four months, it was around the 15th day of the lunar month in Winter, the sparse plum trees sieved the moonlight, flickered and silhouetted against the lattice window vaguely; you and I were hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, lowered our heads and whispered, was there any thoughts to be bottled? Any feelings cannot be shared? To this day, I call up these scenes, only tear marks left in vain. Again, I recall six or seven years ago, I ran away from home, and when I came back, you were in tears and said to me: “From now on, whenever you go on a long trip, you must let me know, I’m willing to accompany you. ” I made my promise as well. More than ten days ago, I went home and wanted to take a chance to tell you about my trip this time, yet I could not utter a word when facing you; moreover, you were pregnant, and I was afraid that you wouldn’t be able to withstand the grief, there’s nothing I could do but indulging myself in drunkenness day after day. Alas, the sorrow in my heart then was so ineffable that any pen would fail to describe it.

 I honestly wish to spend my life with you until the end, but given the current situation, natural calamities may cause death, thieves may cause death, the date of dividing a country may cause death, the corrupted officials who abuse people may cause death, for today’s China where our generations are, death is prevailing everywhere anytime. When the time comes, shall I helplessly watch you die, or shall you helplessly watch me die, can I change it? Or can you change it? Even if the couple survives, but are separated and unable to meet each other, and look at each other from two distant places with eyes pierced and bones turned into stone. Try to ask, have you ever seen a broken mirror regain its roundness since the ancient age? That would be more bitter than death, is there simply no alternative?

 Today you and I are lucky enough to be alive. Those who should not die but are dead and those who did not want to separate but are separated, there are too many to be counted, how can loving couples like us endure that? That’s the reason why I willfully go for death and care for you not. Today I will die with no regrets, whether the country's affairs are successful or not, the kindred-spirit comrades will be there. Yi-xin is now five years old, and he will be grown up in the blink of an eye, I wish you cultivate him well and make him resemble me. I suspect the fetus in your womb is a girl, she must be like you, which is a great comfort to my heart. Or it is a boy again, you teach him to aspire to his father’s aspiration as well, then, after I pass away there will be another two Yi-Dongs by your side. That’s worth celebrating, worth celebrating! Our family will be very poor in the future, but there is no suffering in poverty, just to live a life of tranquility.

 I've expressed everything that I wish to convey to you today. Even though I dwell in the underworld, whenever I hear you crying from afar, I'll cry to accord with you. I'm usually skeptical about the existence of ghosts, but now I wish they were real. Our contemporaries talk about the possibility of communicating through telepathy, and I wish it were true too, after my death, then, my soul can still closely accompany you, please don’t be sad about being alone.

 I have never shared my life aspirations with you before. It was my fault that I didn't, I was afraid that it would make you worry about me every day. Even though I am willing to sacrifice myself a hundred times for my goal and never be regretful, making you worry, indeed, is beyond what I can stand. I love you so much that I fear that I will never be able to do enough for you. You were fortunate enough to marry me, but how unfortunate you were to be born in today’s China! I was fortunate enough to marry you, but how unfortunate I was to be born in today’s China! After all, I cannot only look out for my own interests. Alas! The letter is short while love is long, and thousands of words have not been finished yet. You should be able to presume the contents and read my mind. I cannot meet you today, since you would be reluctant to let go of me, will you often meet me in your dreams Grief!

 Written by Yi-dong, on March 26, 1911, in the middle of the night.







 Yi-Ying, my dear, as seeing thee:

 Now I am bidding farewell to you with this letter! As I write this, I am still a human in the world, by the time you read this, I have become a ghost in the underworld. As tears and ink flow together, I can hardly finish writing this letter and wish to put the pen down, but I fear that my intentions won’t be perceived, you might say that I go to die without bearing you in mind, or I don’t know that you do not wish me to die, so I endure the pain to express it for you.

 吾至愛汝,即此愛汝一念,使吾勇於就死也。吾自遇汝以來,常願天下有情人都成眷屬;然遍地腥雲,滿街狼犬,稱心快意,幾家能彀?司馬青衫,吾不能學太上之忘情也。語云:仁者 「老吾老,以及人之老;幼吾幼,以及人之幼」。吾充吾愛汝之心,助天下人愛其所愛,所以敢先汝而死,不顧汝也。汝體吾此心,於啼泣之余,亦以天下人為念,當亦樂犧牲吾身與 汝身之福利,為天下人謀永福也。汝其勿悲!

 I love you so much that the thought of loving you alone gives me the courage to make sacrifices. Since I met you, I have always wished that all lovers in the world could become married couples; but the bloody smells cloud the land, and streets are full of wolves and canines, how many families can live a contented and happy life? I feel extremely sorrowful, I am unable to emulate the dispassionate state of the sainthood. The saying has it that: the benevolent one " Respect my elders and extend that respect to others' elders; care for my children and extend that care to others' children." I use my love for you to help people in the world love whom they love. That's why I'm willing to die before you and care for you not. You should realize my mind, spare a thought for other people in the world when you are wailing and weeping, and gladly contribute my sacrifice and your well-being to them for their long-lasting welfare. Please grieve not!


 Do you remember? One evening, four or five years ago, I said to you: “I would rather die after you than die before you.” Initially, you were upset by my words, but I explained myself tactfully. Even though you disagreed with me, my words left you speechless. What I meant was that you are weak, and I don't think you could handle the grief of losing me; if I were to die first and leave you in torment, my heart cannot endure it, so I would rather request that you die before me, and let me be burdened with the sorrow. Alas! Who would have known that eventually, I would die before you?


 I truly cannot forget you! I reminisce about the house on the back street, entering the gatepassing corridorsgoing across the front and rear hallstaking another three or four turns, and there was a small hall, next to it the chamber wherein both you and I dwelled. We were newly married for three or four months, it was around the 15th day of the lunar month in Winter, the sparse plum trees sieved the moonlight, flickered and silhouetted against the lattice window vaguely; you and I were hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, lowered our heads and whispered, was there any thoughts to be bottled? Any feelings cannot be shared? To this day, I call up these scenes, only tear marks left in vain. Again, I recall six or seven years ago, I ran away from home, and when I came back, you were in tears and said to me: “From now on, whenever you go on a long trip, you must let me know, I’m willing to accompany you. ” I made my promise as well. More than ten days ago, I went home and wanted to take a chance to tell you about my trip this time, yet I could not utter a word when facing you; moreover, you were pregnant, and I was afraid that you wouldn’t be able to withstand the grief, there’s nothing I could do but indulging myself in drunkenness day after day. Alas, the sorrow in my heart then was so ineffable that any pen would fail to describe it.


 I honestly wish to spend my life with you until the end, but given the current situation, natural calamities may cause death, thieves may cause death, the date of dividing a country may cause death, the corrupted officials who abuse people may cause death, for today’s China where our generations are, death is prevailing everywhere anytime. When the time comes, shall I helplessly watch you die, or shall you helplessly watch me die, can I change it? Or can you change it? Even if the couple survives, but are separated and unable to meet each other, and look at each other from two distant places with eyes pierced and bones turned into stone. Try to ask, have you ever seen a broken mirror regain its roundness since the ancient age? That would be more bitter than death, is there simply no alternative?



 Today you and I are lucky enough to be alive. Those who should not die but are dead and those who did not want to separate but are separated, there are too many to be counted, how can loving couples like us endure that? That’s the reason why I willfully go for death and care for you not. Today I will die with no regrets, whether the country's affairs are successful or not, the kindred-spirit comrades will be there. Yi-xin is now five years old, and he will be grown up in the blink of an eye, I wish you cultivate him well and make him resemble me. I suspect the fetus in your womb is a girl, she must be like you, which is a great comfort to my heart. Or it is a boy again, you teach him to aspire to his father’s aspiration as well, then, after I pass away there will be another two Yi-Dongs by your side. That’s worth celebrating, worth celebrating! Our family will be very poor in the future, but there is no suffering in poverty, just to live a life of tranquility.


 I've expressed everything that I wish to convey to you today. Even though I dwell in the underworld, whenever I hear you crying from afar, I'll cry to accord with you. I'm usually skeptical about the existence of ghosts, but now I wish they were real. Our contemporaries talk about the possibility of communicating through telepathy, and I wish it were true too, after my death, then, my soul can still closely accompany you, please don’t be sad about being alone.


 I have never shared my life aspirations with you before. It was my fault that I didn't, I was afraid that it would make you worry about me every day. Even though I am willing to sacrifice myself a hundred times for my goal and never be regretful, making you worry, indeed, is beyond what I can stand. I love you so much that I fear that I will never be able to do enough for you. You were fortunate enough to marry me, but how unfortunate you were to be born in today’s China! I was fortunate enough to marry you, but how unfortunate I was to be born in today’s China! After all, I cannot only look out for my own interests. Alas! The letter is short while love is long, and thousands of words have not been finished yet. You should be able to presume the contents and read my mind. I cannot meet you today, since you would be reluctant to let go of me, will you often meet me in your dreams Grief!



Written by Yi-dong, on March 26, 1911, in the middle of the night.


Friday, April 5, 2024


Thursday, April 4, 2024




1. 從垃圾桶找回了用完的牙膏,它的蓋子正好可以套上斷裂處。
3 在我的百寶箱裏剛好有個金屬小球,是中空的,嵌其上。
4. 把小球鑽洞,插入一個造型挺古典的金屬條。也是從我的百寶箱找到的。


